Some seasonal images

We are just about in the middle of seasonal Autumn and things seem to be moving on schedule.

Welcome swallows are gathering on the phone lines in large flocks, even though not all of the migrate as is the case with the European Swallows.

 Sacrlet Robins have come down from the mountains and are common all over the area at present.  Many of them will keep moving down to Canberra.  Here is a female ...
 ... and a male.
Also seasonal is the Rangers playing with matches in the bush to 'reduce the hazrds'.  Apparently this hel;ps preserve wildlife - Burning for Biodiversity!!  Trouble is, what regenerates quickly tends to be very oily plants which form a highly flammable monoculture!  Here are some clouds of smoke, indicating the size of the conflagration.  The image was taken from home, probably 30km from the fire.


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