Darters on the Molonglo

Having some time to spare in Canberra this morning I went for a bike ride along the North Shore of the Molonglo and into Lake Burley Griffin.  This area has become a popular breeding territory for Darters (Anhinga melanogaster).  They didn't seem to be too evident in their old territory (opposite the canoe club) but were in good numbers about 500m further towards the Lake. 

Just before I started coming across the Darters my attention was drawn to the state of the bike path.
In effect the recent floods have caused the bank of the River to slip about 70cm downwards.  It is possible to get a bike through, but one either has to jump a 10cm mini-cliff or fitr though a level bit 25cm wide.   While it is a tad dodgy, there is no really obvious alternative way of getting by bike from the City to the airport (other than a 5km extra detour to the South Bank or riding on a major, bike-unfriendly highway).  I presume when some tourist high-sides themselves into the river the path will be closed.

Anyhow on to Darters. 


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