More garden stuff

This collection shows a zucchini, some of our raspberries (hitting their straps in fine order) a Russian Black tomato and a mignaficient Jubilee tomato - the yellow jobbie. The tomatoes are hinting at going beserk, but at the moment the climatic Prozac is keeping them under control.

These flowers - known apparently as "Naked Ladies" are clearly visible from my study window. And I am not going near that designation: there is no telling who might read the post. We thought they were the much safer "Nerrines, but have expert advice that nerrines are "different". Last year they didn't flower at all, despite all the water that the Over100s sprayed around. so the breaking of the drought has had this further advantage.
I hate to rabbit on about the begonias, but they really are doing well at the moment. The huge red one in the image is the second flower, after the original flowering stem broke off due to the weight of the first blossom..


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